We are affiliated with Open Bible Churches. We believe the bible is infailliable, and adhere to Open Bible Churches . For more information on our Statement of Faith, click here.
Core Values
A House of Prayer (Isaiah 56:7) We are dedicated to being a house of prayer for all people, believing that prayer draws us closer to God, aligns our hearts with His purpose, and ignites transformation in our lives and community.
Teach Biblical Truth (Psalm 119:97; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 10:17) We uphold the Bible as the infallible word of God, teaching its truth to inspire, guide, and equip every believer to live a life that reflects Jesus. Scripture is the foundation for our beliefs and actions.
Missions Minded (Matthew 28:19) We are called to go into all the world, sharing the love and message of Jesus. Our heart for missions drives us to serve both locally and globally, making disciples and reaching people with the gospel.
Holy Spirit Empowered (Acts 1:8; John 4:23-24) We rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide, equip, and empower us in every aspect of our faith, including worship. Spirit-filled worship allows us to encounter God deeply and to express our devotion fully.
Family of Believers (Acts 2:42-47) We are a family rooted in the love of Jesus, committed to supporting, encouraging, and growing together in faith. As a church, we foster authentic relationships, generosity, and unity, mirroring the early church's example.